• Tripoli, Tuesday, June 13, 2023.

The head of the GIA, Eng. Abdel Basset Salem Al-Baour, met today, Tuesday, with the head and staff of the Geographic Information Systems Department, this is to find out about the latest developments in the technical projects carried out by the department, including the National Register of Geospatial Information and Data project, the geographical portal project for spatial data for municipalities, and the geographical database project for the education sector.

The meeting included a visual presentation of the project work methodology, implementation plan, standards and considerations that were adopted during preparation, and the desired goals, in addition to the most prominent efforts that took place during the last period.

The head of the Authority directed the importance of doubling efforts to improve performance and continue to work with the required efficiency and quality, and in line with the technical objectives of the Authority aimed at adopting best practices in this regard, especially since the Authority has completed many achievements at the national level.

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