عقدت اللجنة الإشرافية على أعمال فرق عمل إعداد دليل الإجراءات لمخطط العمليات بإدارات ومكاتب الهيئة العامة للمعلومات، المشكلة بموجب قرار السيد رئيس الهيئة المهندس عبد الباسط سالم الباعور، اليوم الأربعاء، اجتماعها التنسيقي الرابع مع رؤساء فرق العمل، برئاسة رئيس اللجنة المستشار كمال سلامة، وبحضور جل أعضائها، بالإضافة إلى رؤساء فرق العمل، وأعضاء فريق عمل إعداد دليل الإجراءات الإدارية، والفريق الفني المعني بتصميم الدليل.

The supervising committee on the work teams preparing the guidelines
of the procedures book for the operations plans run by the
management offices of the GIA, and which was organized by order of
the head of the GIA, Eng. Abdulbaset Salem Al Baour, holds its third
coordination meeting with the heads of the work teams, led by the
advisor and chairman of the committee Mr. Kamal Salama; in the
company of its members, work team leaders, and team members
preparing this guide.

The meeting, which was held in Eng. Lutfi Al Zarog Karmos’ meeting
room, discussed the financial procedures draft guide, prepared by the
assigned work team, as the lead of the group Mr. Adel Subhi Abu
Abdollah showed the draft guideline, demonstrating how it was put up
according to followed rules and procedures in the finance system of the
GIA, and that is to ensure the accuracy of its completion and the ease
of working with it after this guide is approved and adopted by the head
of the authority, indicating that the draft was prepared in line with the
legislations and laws in this regard.

The team leader explained that the guide is divided into many parts,
each containing necessary general procedures and demands to ensure
the effectiveness of the financial policies of the authority, and it also
has detailed instructions for every financial activity, the employee
responsible for its implementation, and flowcharts to track work
At the end of the presentation of the draft, the head of the team
praised the efforts made by the members and the important steps that
were taken, that would organize and facilitate the financial
management work program.

The attendees discussed the draft and gave their notes during this

وتفصيلاً، جاء اجتماع اللجنة، الذي عقد بقاعة المهندس لطفي الزروق كرموس بمقر الهيئة، لمناقشة مسودة دليل الإجراءات الإدارية، التي أُعدت من قبل فريق العمل المكلف بإعداد دليل الإجراءات الإدارية، حيث عرض رئيس الفريق السيد عبد الحكيم بشير الشوماني، مسودة الدليل والمحتويات التفصيلية له.
هذا، ونوقشت هذه المسودة من قبل الحاضرين في الاجتماع ووضعت ملاحظاتهم التي من شأنها أن تضيف للدليل وتثريه.


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