Tripoli, Tuesday 18 July 2023

A delegation from the general information authority, which included the informatics counselor, Dr. Abdel Raouf Ali Al-Bibas, the director of the National Information System Department, Eng. Adel Jumaa Al-Toumi, and Eng. Tawfiq Najm El-Din Mesbah, today, Tuesday, they visited the Information Technology Center of the general authority of communications and informatics, within the framework of joint cooperation between the two bodies in terms of exchanging knowledge and experiences in areas of common interest.

During this visit, the delegation met with the Director General of the Center, Eng. Saleh Al-Hamrouni, in the presence of the Deputy Director-General of the Center, Eng. Rafik Al-Janjan, and a number of directors of departments and offices. During this meeting, they discussed ways of coordination between the two sides in the information fields, in addition to exchanging views on many strategic projects related to information technology.

During the visit, it was agreed to organize specialized training courses to prepare government data specialists for the employees of the Information Technology Center, which will be supervised by the General information authority.

The visit was an occasion in which the Director of the National Information System Department at the Authority reviewed the general concepts of the strategic studies and the value that the Authority had recently prepared and implemented in the field of informatics, including the national policy for data governance.

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